Saying Hello Spirit And Parenting - April 15, 2011


As parents, we say hello to our children often throughout the day.  But how often do we really notice who we’re saying Hello to?  When we greet our children, speak and play with them, are we addressing them as a body personality, or as the eternal soul that they are? Can we have both?

Saying hello to the eternal soul within a child validates them as Spirit, and gives them more permission to Be and express the wisdom, love and abilities of their divinity and their experiences as a soul that has incarnated many, many times. When we can say hello to both the developing personality of the body they have incarnated into, and the soul personality that has been down the road of childhood many times, we invite our child to have a conscious and harmonious relationship with themselves as Spirit, expressed through a soul, into a body.  By engaging with our children with this awareness, we give them permission to allow the wisdom of their soul to guide and direct their choices through the body, so that they can live their purpose and be on their path.

This is the beginning of remembering Spirit in parenting.  The first step, the most simple, fundamental and crucial, is to say Hello.  This Hello can be out loud or silent.  It is spoken with your presence and awareness, and sometimes also with your lips.  This Hello comes from you as Spirit and goes directly to your child as Spirit.  This Hello calls forth a remembering of Spirit within you and your child.  And it allows each of you to Be just as you are.  By saying hello to Spirit within your child, you validate and nurture the awareness they are born with:  Spirit, expressed through a soul, into a body.  Saying Hello in this way is an invocation of the truth, power and divinity within yourself and your child.

Let us know what happens next!

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